

“I believe and trust in the innate wisdom of our bodies; yet, life in today’s society can cause disconnection & dis-ease… It’s time to return to connection.” - Dr. Jenna Creaser

Our approach to your health & healing…

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Do you feel like something is… missing?

After working 7 years as a Family Physician in the conventional medical system, I realized something was missing. I longed to go deeper with patients, but felt constrained by too little time and too many barriers... I also noticed I wasn’t really taking care of myself or feeling passionate about my career. I felt stuck, I wasn't serving in the best way I could. I was surviving, but not thriving… At first I felt frustrated and lost. Then I felt curious and inspired!

I've been exploring why modern “healthcare” often seems to miss the mark, and how I can better serve. My personal yoga & mindfulness practice, training with brilliant leaders in allied health & healing professions, deep plant medicine work, ongoing self inquiry, spirituality, and vision of helping to create a more beautiful world has brought me many insights and inspirations.

I believe quality healthcare requires a multimodal holistic approach, support, and time. This approach is balanced - it uses modern science as well as ancient knowledge and practices. It is evidence and intuitive based, accessible, individual and empowering. I'm passionate about bringing this type of care to my clients, and would be honored to help you gain more energy, vitality, confidence, joy and health sovereignty.

True wellness includes the whole Self - mind, body & soul. In order to heal, one must consider all of these aspects, as well as look at underlying or root causes and ancestry, while also recognizing the importance of preventative measures and lifestyle change. This is often easier said than done, which is where I come in!

I'm here to help guide, support, educate, motivate and coach you along your wellness journey. I’m here to bridge the gap between you and greater well-being.

Greater health & well-being is available to you and the time is now!

We have the opportunity for positive change, growth and healing… and this is needed now, more than ever. When we heal ourselves, we heal the world! I am committed to your transformation, and am excited for the profound & lasting results that you will achieve.

-In love and health, Dr. Jenna Creaser

 Ready to start?